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Curriculum Pathway Page 2025

At Craigmount High School, one of our main aims is to support all our young people to move into a positive and sustained destination from school and our planning for the BGE (S1-S3) and Senior Phase (S4-S6) underpins this aim.

To achieve this, it is important that everyone knows the options and many different pathways that are available for our pupils through our curriculum. We view the BGE and the Senior Phase as 3-year experiences rather than a single year-on-year approach. We already have a track record of success in planning positive destinations but we want to build on this and ensure that you have an understanding of the options available through our courses and wider experiences.

Planning your curriculum provides an exciting opportunity to think about your learning journey and reflect on your strengths and areas for development and which courses will help you achieve your goals.

In years gone by, it would have been a much more straightforward decision, however, in the digital world that we now live in, the careers that you may end up following will not yet exist. In fact, most of the job vacancies that exist today, did not exist five years ago.

It is therefore crucial that you access as much help and support as possible to ensure that the decision you make is well informed. This support could be from your teachers, Pupil Support teacher, our careers advisor, parents or carers, siblings or other family members or your friends. You may also find the Skills Development Scotland My World of Work website a good source of information which you can access here:

Senior Phase Pathway Planning (for current S3, S4 and S5 pupils)

As you plan for the Senior Phase, you will have the option to further personalise your curriculum.

For pupils moving into S4, there is the option to study seven subjects from the subjects already chosen for S3 to extend learning and study in more depth. In addition, pupils will also continue with Physical Education, RME and PSE as part of their core curriculum.

As pupils move into S5 and S6, there is flexibility in the number of subjects studied depending on the level of study. This can include up to seven Level 4 or 5 courses and up to five Level 6 or 7 courses.

In the pages below you will find a pathway for each curriculum area so that you can easily make decisions about your options of study and there is information provided about each of the subjects.

All pupils in S5 and S6 will also study a Wider Achievement option which aims to develop a range of skills and provide opportunities to try new experiences beyond the chosen areas of study.

Performing Arts

Physical Education

World Languages

Social Subjects

Other Courses

Senior Phase Wider Achievement

Supported Pathway

You can also find out more about the courses which are on offer through the Schools College Partnership by clicking here.

Senior Phase Pathway Planning Information Evening

On Thursday 16 January we hosted a Pathway Planning Information Evening to share information about our curriculum and choices for next session.

Below you will find the presentation used at the beginning of the information evening to share information about the pathway planning process:

Headteacher Welcome and Key Information About Pathway Planning

S3 Pathway Planning (for current S2 pupils)

There is lots of information contained within this ‘Pathway Planning’ section of our website so please explore the relevant sections below for more information.

As you move from S2 to S3, you will begin to personalise aspects of your curriculum. You will be offered a guided choice within curriculum areas to ensure that you still have a broad curriculum for the last year of the BGE.

All pupils will continue with English and Maths and then have the option to choose six subjects from within a range of subject areas to personalise their curriculum as well as a Wider Achievement option. In addition, pupils will also continue with Physical Education, RME and PSE as part of their core curriculum.

S2 - S3 Pathway Planning Decisions

S3 Wider Achievement

S3 Pathway Planning Information Evening

On Wednesday 7 February we hosted a Pathway Planning Information Evening to share information about our curriculum for next session.

Below you will find the presentation used at the beginning of the information evening to inform parents about the pathway planning process:

Headteacher Welcome and Key Information about Pathway Planning

S2 Pathway Planning (for current S1 pupils)

Our S2 curriculum ensures young people study all curricular areas and cover the full range of Experiences and Outcomes within Scotland’s Curriculum. In the majority of curricular areas pupils will continue to work in their current classes as they develop their skills and knowledge. However, there will be the opportunity to make five decisions from the curricular areas of world languages, expressive arts and technologies to personalise their S2 curriculum.

This approach is designed to allow each pupil to explore areas of interest, build on their individual strengths and develop more depth in their learning. This will encourage pupils to take more ownership of their learning as they progress from S2 into S3 and beyond.

You can find out further information by clicking on the  ‘S1 – S2 Pathway Planning Decisions’ button below.