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S4-6 Assessments 

As part of our assessment plans for session 2024-25, pupils completing National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications will do formal assessments in most subjects from Monday 25th November to Friday 13th December 2024. 

National 5 Formal Assessment Schedule 2023

Higher & Adv Higher Formal Assessment Schedule 2023

In addition to this, as part of learning, teaching and assessment, we are following a schedule for ongoing assessments throughout the year. The following schedule ensures pupils have sufficient time between assessments to prepare as it is allocated on a one column per day basis for S5/6 with S4 having a maximum of two assessments on any day. This situation may occur during the SQA diet too. All assessments are preceded by sufficient notifications on class Teams.

Assessment Structure by Column

You can find out more about our approach to assessment here-

Senior Phase Assessment – Frequently Asked Questions

SQA Examinations 2025

SQA exams  take place from Monday 28th April to Friday May 2025. All information is on the SQA website with the timetable below.

SQA Exam Timetable 2025

Study Support

We offer a range of study support sessions which complement classwork and help pupils as they prepare for their exams. Teachers will let students know when these sessions are on through their class Teams, the schedule is below. Students are welcome to study in school throughout the year in our Library or Pupil Support rooms, their PSL or DHT can advise on a suitable space. There are two helpful Study Skills guides for reference below. Pupils can contact their teachers through Teams for support as necessary. 

Study Support Schedule 2023.24

Study Skills- Part 1 How do we learn?

Study Skills- Part 2 Revision Strategies

Immersion Day Schedule

In addition, e-Sgoil are offering live study sessions online throughout the year which can be found here. 

Assessment Arrangements

We support all pupils with  Assessments Arrangements such as Readers, Scribe, Extra-Time etc. Where possible this is accommodated in class. During Formal Assessments arrangements are made to mirror those in the SQA May schedule. Our Support for Learning Team will ensure all needs are met and the necessary arrangements are in place. 

SQA Study Support Sessions during SQA exam leave

Pupils should continue to keep in touch with their teachers on the Class Team. Teachers are always available in the first double period you have the subject for National 5 and the last double period in the week for Higher & Advanced Higher.