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Craigmount Update

In our weekly update for Friday 26 March, you will find information about:

  • Final Week of Term
  • Senior Phase (S4 – S6) Assessment
  • BGE (S1 – S3) COVID-19 Lateral Flow Testing
  • e-Sgoil Easter School Programme
  • ASN Conversation Café
  • S1 and S2 Scientists
  • Take a Moment
  • Raising Teens with Confidence

Final Week of Term

It has been great to have all pupils in again for a second week and they have engaged brilliantly in lessons. The learning in school only constitutes part of the pupil week and all other learning is taking place on Teams. All pupils should continue to follow their two week timetable (either in school or at home) and teachers will communicate with their classes so that everyone knows the work which should be completed.


Below is a reminder of who is in school for the last week of term before the Easter holiday.

Senior Phase (S4 – S6) Assessment

We have sent home two letters to all Senior Phase (S4 – S6) parents. One contains information about Craigmount High School’s approach to assessment for the final term and the other is a letter from the City of Edinburgh Council about assessment. In order to provide more details about our approach to assessment, we would like to invite Senior Phase pupils and parents to a virtual SQA Assessment Information Session on Wednesday 31 March starting at 6pm on Teams. The session will give you a more detailed overview of our plans and following the event we will ask you to complete a Microsoft Form with any questions you have which will be feed into our Frequently Asked Questions document which will be shared following the Easter holiday. If you would like to attend this information session then please complete the following form with your details by 6pm on Monday 29 March:


Register to attend the SQA Assessment Information Session