There are three main categories for enrolment.
Students who reside in the catchment area of Craigmount High School do not have to follow any special enrolment procedure. In November each year the Children and Families Department writes to parents whose children reside in Craigmount’s catchment area advising that a place has been reserved for their child and giving information about making placing requests for non-district schools. Please note that attendance at an associated primary school only leads to automatic enrolment if the student lives in Craigmount’s catchment area. If not then the information given immediately below applies.
Parents of students who do not reside in the catchment area of Craigmount High School but wish to apply for a place in the school should contact the Children and Families Department and thereafter complete and return form ST5 to the Department by mid December. Requests made up to 31 July will be dealt with centrally by the Children and Families Department.
A great deal of preparatory work is done before your daughter/son joins our school. Careful liaison work with the primary school staff ensures that we have a good knowledge of levels of attainment, learning difficulties, health matters and other relevant issues before we allocate youngsters to tutor groups.
Mr Colin Meikle, Headteacher, should be contacted by emailing the school, in order to arrange an enrolment appointment, subject to availability of places. If there are no places, the students name will be added to our waiting list and parents will be given a form to take to an alternative school. When their place becomes available, the student can transfer from another school.
Mr Colin Meikle, Headteacher, should be contacted by emailing the school, in order to arrange an enrolment appointment, subject to availability of places. If no places are available, their son/daughter’s name will be added to a non district waiting list.
If any parent is in doubt as to whether or not they live in the catchment area of the school, a phone call to the school office will quickly establish this.
Information about catchment schools is published on the Edinburgh Council website. Edinburgh City Council also produce a very useful Interactive School Catchment Map which can be accessed by clicking here.